Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Love Letter I Wrote Years Ago and Never Had the Lady Balls To Hit "Send"

Dear you,

I'm trying to find a way to say to you what I can't even find expressed in one single song, and believe me, I've looked. I've been looking for days. There's nothing, nothing in millions of songs that say what I need to say.  I could probably paste lyrics together and that would be funny, but my Tylenol pm are kicking in and I want to get this out to you before you wake up. Because I promised you I would and I need you to know my feelings for you aren't flaky, or surface, or wishy washy. They've never been. From the moment I met you , you've been the person I'm totally comfortable around and feel safe with.  Cos even when I was flat broke, you made me feel like a million bucks. It's true. I was made for you. I feel happiest doing absolutely nothing with you
I'd rather do nothing with you than something with a friend, because my mind wanders to you and how much better this would be if you were here.
And it's always done that, even when I lived 35 miles away. I just never pieced those feelings together, and when I did, it made me laugh.  I love your stories. I retell them like they're my own. Years ago I was complaining to Mel  about , I don't remember what stupid fight it was that time, and she started ragging on you (not personal, a girl thing) and I remember feeling irritated because damn it, you weren't bad at all and she didn't understand you, so how dare she. And she was just trying to cheer me up.
And today when I try to push you away and be all self sabotaging, it hurts. It hurts and I think that's my conscience or gut or heart or whatever you choose to call it saying. You're making the wrong choice. You're going against your instincts. Danger will Robinson! And that has never happened before either.
I'm alot like you, so please , hello, I'm here, I'm waiting. I think I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me. (Weezer - el schorcho) 

I am like you in that I've always wanted to know what love issssss but I never met a person I wanted to shooowww me. So I usually  stay single. I could see where it was going pretty quick... Not where I wanted it to. I wanted to marry my best friend, the guy I made laugh, the  guy who knew what I wanted at the diner in case I was peeing when the waitress came, the guy who challenged me and helped me grow.  I saw my friends meeting theirs and would be happy but silently think, why not me? I ve been waiting... For a girl like you... To come into my life. And here you are. And it was just so seamless I didn't even notice it. Which is exactly how I dreamed it would be. Irony? :) 

Spoiler Alert: We didn't end up together. 

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